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Why you should own a Video Channel? (Demo)

The importance of a Video Channel for your Business

Customers demand for online video is climbing! Did you know the latest YouTube statistics reveal that there are more than 1 billion unique visitors on YouTube? A YouTube Video Channel can be viewed as an extension of your brand, it allows your business to go beyond traditional marketing methods by developing YouTube Video Campaigns. YouTube is an online community, and if you’re not participating in it, then you are missing the opportunity for true engagement. By creating a video channel, managing and marketing it with YouTube Video Campaigns, a wider audience can be reached. Here are a number of reasons for your business to use YouTube Video Campaigns.

Reaping Benefits from a YouTube Video Channel

Global reach: YouTube is now available in 75 countries. By using multilingual videos on video channel a business can reach an international audience.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): When customers look for a product they will most likely use a search engine, for example Google. YouTube videos are displayed within Google search engine results. Incorporating SEO into your YouTube Video Campaign strategy increases your rankings within a search, furthermore increasing traffic to your video channel.
Increases share-ability: If customers like what they see they are more likely to inform others. They can share to a number of platforms where they think it will educate or entertain others, without you having to invest into expanding the video’s reach.
Brand Awareness: Increased traffic to your videos equates to more awareness of your brand. Once a consumer finds you, a corporate image can be portrayed from your video.
Increases Sales: More Awareness of your product/service leads to potential sales for your business.
Effectiveness: According to a recent study by ReelSEO, Consumers tend to be more motivated to buy after watching a video where 71% of the respondents confirmed that video converts better than other content.
Obtain Feedback: The option for customers to comment on your video allows your business to obtain valuable information and feedback. Viewers can engage in conversations and you have the opportunity to follow up and respond to them
Measurability: Analytics allows your business to understand exactly who is watching their videos and when.
Cost Effective: Running a YouTube Video Campaign is extremely affordable to businesses. The look and feel of the channel can be changed, tweaked and optimised without investing in a huge amount of money.
Coming up with a campaign for marketing your video takes more than just an idea; it takes valuable time to develop, experience, people with creativity, attention to detail, an understanding of your audience and great talent! Here at MakinMediaMobile we can create affordable YouTube video campaigns providing a whole range of benefits for your business. We translate video into many different languages so that your business can reach a worldwide audience. We look at the best practises for your video channel by analysing YouTube trends, features and strategies.
Contact us today for further information.

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