Sometimes it takes a while before business recognises the advantages that are available through technology. Early adopters aside, it takes a while to get the majority on board. With MakinMediaMobile’s help you can become and early adopter in regards to use of video to be viewed on smartphone or mobile devices.Through the use of a video for export goods and services, MakinMediaMobile will promote a business who wish to export across the globe. In this blog I will explain how we go about doing this.
The Internet has made the world a small place. Advances in logistics and access to information will now allow the small business to reach anywhere with goods. Smaller businesses need to explore these options and get your products onto the world stage. There is no better way to get this exposure than a cutting edge explainer video, in terms of reach and cost.
Inbound leads are the ideal scenario but the first thing you need is for your initial break through to let clients in these markets know you exist. Your own video for export will give you a cost effective way to do this. After only a couple of months trading, we have clients in Japan and France using our product to show their wares in places like Germany and last week in the Ukraine. Thanks Advance Science.
An example of video for export
The domestic market here in Ireland is only so big, okay maybe not big at all, if you want to grow your market you must consider…export. When you consider the down turn over the last number of years, there have been success here with Record numbers being produced and it is not only the multi-nationals moving funds through here.
If you are thinking that export is not for me, reasons like “I can’t speak the language!”, “How could I possibly get my goods to there!” “Too many barriers!” are no longer valid. There are some great agencies diligently promoting small companies in this space in an effort to get you exporting see
More and more markets are demanding international goods and services. It has never been easier to export. Ireland Inc is possibly the easiest international brand to sell and ranks up there in the top ten consistently. Our emigrants have been trotting across the globe for centuries, first it was the Early Christian monks spreading Christianity across to our more recent wave dispatched to the corner of Canada and Australia.
Making a plan to market the service or product in the indigenous language using responsive web design to deliver a video for export to any mobile device over the Internet. It will give your company the ability to clearly and concisely tell the audience what their unique selling proposition (USP) is.
With the huge increase in the supply of international logistics combined with computerised Customs and Excise systems, it has never been so easy to get your products into specific markets. MakinMediaMobile have agents in some markets in the Far East who can circumvent these issues for you and get your video for export to clients who want Irish export goods.

Using our video for export of your goods, we can explain your company’s offering and how it can benefit the user wherever they are located. An example is the growing Agri-food sector, with food security becoming a huge issue globally, consumers want to see who produces the food they consume and from where it came from. So explainer video is ideal to describe how it is produced or more importantly who actually produces it.
Making your video for export accessible on a mobile device is very easy. You can showcase your products to potential customers whether at their own premises or at one of the many huge exhibitions that take place internationally throughout the year.
Selling at these large expo’s is a very popular way of doing business in the Far East, especially in the business to business arena. A presence at such could even fill your books for the entire year such is the scale of these events. Only by attending these can one grasp the scale of them. A few years ago I went to one in Nanning, China where the daily attendance exceeded 220,000 people! Our National Ploughing Championships recently broke records with over 80,000 attending!!! Trade Expositions is where business happens in these regions.

With my own knowledge of logistics internationally combined with a very good network, we will get your product to the marketplace in any particular region you need. By delivering a video for export, capable of being shown to your customer in their own language on a mobile device, we can engage our strategic partners in each location and thus avoiding the expense of setting up a regional sales office.
What can MakinMediaMobile do for business?
Of course there are other options too. Each piece can be attached to you email of we can set up a link for your client to download it or even a website that will allow any device anywhere to see your goods!!! The question is can you afford not too.
Video for export who would be without one!! Contact us today to see how we can help get your video for export helping you offer your range to help reach emerging markets. Drop us a line today.