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Digital Strategies for business: Part 3 – Video Marketing (Demo)

In our previous post for creating digital strategies for business we looked at how to use social media with blogging. This week we are looking at how video marketing can be used as a digital strategy for your business.

Using Video Marketing in your Digital Strategy

Video was the fastest growing form of an advertisement format in 2012. Every day 100 million internet users watch an online video.  Online Video marketing is a must when building your digital strategy. Traditionally the main methods of marketing was through the local paper, radio and if you could afford it, television. Online video no longer confines you in terms of audience reach or budget. You now have the ability to pay for advertising that targets your specific audience and has the tools to strategically assess this, but more about that later. First you must decide how best to get your message to you’re desired audience.

Appeal to an audience

Your video audience demographic should reflect who your actual customers are. If you work in the financial sector, video marketing can and should be aimed at these people. What are their wants and needs? How can you get across the latest financial solution your business has created? The tone and delivery of the video has to appeal to these specific people.

A good video will know who the audience are and know what they need to understand or set from the video. It will have key points that will communicate understanding. Finally, the video should tell the audience what to do once the video is done. This is a called a ‘Call to Action’ and can be in many forms for instance direct a viewer to go to your website, call you or look for more information. The creation of the video is only half the battle, the success lies in promoting it and reaching the desired audience. Today we will look at how to promote your video with Youtube.

Youtube Promotion

video marketing
Most people know that it is important to do video marketing using social media. Promoting it on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn business pages. This is what you call organic reach. However, in most cases it will only be viewed by your own social circles and network. Youtube allows you pay to advertise and market to any audience you want. If you have a financial technology business and have just got a video created that promotes one of your financial, it would be beneficial that you could reach people with interests in this sector. Below is an example of how you set your campaign budget, geographical location and interests of an audience.
video marketing - youtube

As well as this, it shows what your estimated views will be and who many ad impressions will be used to get to those views. When the campaign is created, this video advertisement will play when your audience is viewing Youtube videos online.

If you would like to have video marketing done for your business, contact us here at

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