Animation (Demo)
Animation surrounds our everyday lives. Over the years technology has become more advanced and has revolutionised the animation industry. Creating animated characters and motions through new innovations in technology has allowed animation to become more realistic and dynamic for the viewer. Including it into your business strategy will help you to…
We were delighted to be involved with the FundSME Event yesterday in the RDS, Dublin. The aim of the event was to help SME’s and start-ups find and access the best fit funding to suit their business needs. According to FundSME CEO, Nollaig Fahy, up to €20m had being pledged…
Have look at this newfangled gadget and it really does prove my point that making the video is actually the easy bit. LILY the Auto Drone Why bother Setting up a Video Database? So a potential client of ours hit me with a bouncer straight out of the blocks!! “Why do…