Reason # 1 for the rise of video?
Internet usage is on the rise
As of June 2015, 45% of the world’s population are internet users which is equal to approx 3.2 billion people. Twenty years ago in 1995, there were approx 16 million internet users and ten years ago in 2005 the figures were over the 1 billion mark [source:]. The upwards trend shows no signs of stopping and this is great news for online reach.
If you are a business trying to reach a mass audience, based on the above stats, the obvious choice would be to utilise the internet. Many businesses have already established this via explainer video which has the ability to successfully reach their target markets.
Reason # 2 for the rise of video?
People love watching video
Video has the ability to generate a ‘feeling’ from the user due to an interaction between the viewer and the video’s content. An explainer video for a business can say so much about a company, in a short space of time, for example:
– How the company operates
– Who the staff are
– Company image
– Behind the scenes
– Product benefits
Unlike text which takes time to read, video is an easier way to obtain information, just press the play button. Videos can also be replayed as many times as needed so every detail can be absorbed.

Reason # 3 for the rise of video?
Strategically reach & engage with consumers
Location is not a boundary in the online world. Whether your product is useful to the people in your town, county, country or globally – video can reach every corner of the globe. This is fantastic news for your business. Business growth needs a return on investment and a business video will go a long way to market and brand your product. If your product has the potential for international expansion, a voice over in the local language will improve engagement of the intended consumers.

Reason # 4 for the rise of video?
Sharing videos is easy
We have all heard about the video that went viral, thanks mostly to YouTube. While it would be great to have a business video go viral, the realistic aim is to grab the attention of targeted consumers. This will do for starters. The beauty of video is that it can be shared easily. You ask your employees to share the business’s video on their social media. Then you share it on the company’s own social media.

YouTube has over 1 billion viewers. If you set up a YouTube channel you are helping your business to grow. It is that simple.
Think about how much you would spend on a small advert in the local newspaper. Then, instead, use this money towards a targeted campaign on YouTube. The campaign allows you to pick your audience. Everything from their location, interests, demographics can be specified to make sure your video is seen by those that matter.
Your campaign will be analysed and sats such as viewers, demographics etc are readily available. This is valuable to your business strategy.
Reason # 5 for the rise of video?
Smartphones have changed our lives
Smartphones have changed how we go about our daily lives. They have altered how we receive information and they have changed how we communicate. For information about something or someone, most of us head to Google and do a search. Because YouTube is owned by Google, if you have a YouTube channel, most searches will return a link to your video within the 1st page. This increases your chance to be found organically.
Even if you don’t have a YouTube channel, videos are compatible with smartphone dimensions, meaning they shrink to fit the screen, ensuring good viewer experience.
Why your business needs a video…
The rise of video will only increase with time because businesses know their value. Investing in a video means your company can market and brand your product not only online but at trade shows, conferences and anywhere there is digital media.
Whether you are a start-up or an established business, contact MakinMediaMobile for more info.