Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a necessity. It will ensure your chance of being found on search engines is maximised. Whether you are a start up or existing business, here are some SEO tips to help your business grow online.
1. Keywords – Firstly you must decide the keyword or keyword phrase that best represents each page on your website. When a customer searches for your product or service they are likely to use a keyword that you have chosen. A great tool to determine exactly what keywords or key phrases that your potential customers are using is the Google Keyword Planner.
Yes, keywords are critical for SEO success and determine the indexing your page, however avoid overuse of keywords as Google will penalise this. This is known as Keyword Stuffing.

2. Content – When writing content for your website or blog ensure that it is your own work. If you are including stats or quotes be sure to reference. Google will detect any copy and this will affect your rankings or de-index. It is best to spend time on content creation. A minimum of 300 words written within the body copy of a page or a blog is recommended.
It’s best practice to include headings, images, internal and external links related to the content. So spend time devising the correct content for your pages and ensure that it reads well. Write unique content for every page. It is bad practise to duplicate content throughout your website and likely that only one page will be indexed.
3. Images – Optimising images on your site is also critical for SEO. Good quality images attract the human eye. Keep the file size to a minimum but maintain the quality by using image editing software like Photoshop. When saving images name them appropriately. Giving the image a description in your ‘alt tag’ further enhances SEO.

4. Use a responsive Content Management System – A CMS like WordPress is responsive to both mobile and desktop search so your SEO is included for both platforms. Google rewards websites that are responsive on mobile platforms so if you haven’t already done so, update your site as this could be effecting your rankings.

5. Optimise the title and meta tags for each page of your site. – Search engines can pick up HTML elements such as page title and meta tags. Write a description for these to suggest how you would like your page to be described in the results of the search engine. Use keywords here if possible. The meta description will allow up to 166 characters.
6. External Links – Link to pages that are of high quality and relevant to your content. Ensure that your hyperlink works and points to the intended page. Broken links will earn you a poor and unprofessional reputation.
7. Analytics – Use Google analytics to measure traffic to your website. Google analytics can be set up by embedding a unique ID into the script on your website. Plugins such as Jetpack can also be used to generate valuable insights of traffic to your site.

8. Presence on Social Media – Having a presence on social media is also important for SEO. Sharing your pages or blogs on other platforms and channels like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook builds up networks that can help spread your content. When a consumer searches for your business in Google, your social media channels are also indexed and will display in the organic search. This increases traffic and social interaction to your website.

9. Blogging – It is important to blog on a regular basis no matter what type of business you are in. Blogging is great for SEO. It can increase traffic and engagement as well as having numerous other benefits.
10. Implement a Content Marketing Strategy – Saving the best for last..this is one of the most important SEO tips! Ensure that you build an effective content marketing strategy. By having a strategy in place you will have a structured plan allowing you to manage SEO effectively.
Building SEO will not only improve rankings in search engines but earn return on investment. We hope you will get some insight from our SEO Tips.
It is important to get it right!
MakinMediaMobile has built up a reputation for successfully providing content marketing services to a variety of clients. We build & create content marketing strategies that are essential for SEO, tailored to all types of business needs. Contact us today.