For Siemens, Mersus was tasked with producing an immersive virtual reality experience that could be taken to, and displayed on, trade show floors. The application would demonstrate the relationship between overall equipment effectiveness and failure prediction in a manufacturing setting. Mersus pitched the idea of a multi-user experience, that would not be locked geographically. Users could be in different countries, communicating with each other using their personal avatars.

Mersus used the Oculus Go, and Avatar’s to enable users to communicate with each other. To create the illusion that users are having a real life conversation. Head and hand movement is tracked using the Oculus Go’s hardware sensors. Lip movement and speech is mimicked in real-time.
Mersus worked with Siemens to establish what content would be in the application, and together, they chose to showcase a particular machine used in the asphalt industry, a screener. The machine takes in material and outputs it into various different sizes. The screen becomes blocked over time, increasing power consumption and waste, and eventually resulting in the breakdown of the machine.
With the multi-user solution used by mersus, the salesperson and customer/s would be sharing the same experience at the same time, and the sales meeting would not have to be locked to a sales event, or a one to one meeting. The users could be anywhere in the world, connected via the internet and their VR device.
Siemens’ application provided them with:
- An immersive, multi-user virtual reality sales experience, which uses the internet to link the users, no matter where they are in the world
- the ability to bring this technology on the road to trade shows, and one to one sales meetings, due to the usage of the Oculus Go
- A central control for all content, with new content uploaded and accessible by all