Thunderbirds are go!!!This blog is not so much about technology but a little pat on the back for my colleague, Dermot and I. Pour quoi you may ask? MakinMediaMobile has made it through Year One intact and even better the outlook is rosy! To start with we were three but one of our colleagues departed for personal reasons. C’est la vie.We have finally found our “unique selling point” – that being Explainer Videos. We create animated videos that can explain exactly what your business does in 90 seconds or less. We have had great feedback from clients to date and it is the positive direction that we see ourselves taking.
Web Design in Ireland – The Problem
Things weren’t always rosy at MakinMediaMobile! Back last year we embarked on a crusade to enlighten the world of the merits of ‘Responsive Web Design’ and educate the masses. At a trade show in February the guy on the adjoining stand told me ‘your wasting your time’ educating folk in the Ways of RWD, people don’t care’ but we lumbered on, kissing the frogs. Okay so now we know there is no financial benefit but in five years time every site will be Responsively designed. Similar to mobile devices, we will all wonder what we did prior to their arrival.
In June MakinMediaMobile ran a campaign to give (literally) a website to the man in the van. The sole trader who is out there plying their trade. These are the guys who really need to be on the web more than anyone. Think of how many people just can’t actually find your business when they are looking for the same? A web presence is vital in todays market place, any business who have not internet strategy does so at their peril!!! The old ‘Ah sure my customers don’t use that’ is no longer applicable.
This year I found myself talking to a business owner who was convinced that no customer comes to him via the internet!! The business in question is in the printing space and uses Adobe Flash technology on their website. Now Adobe Flash is defunct, finished no longer developed. Going forward it has some uses but really very limited and if you are using Flash for your website, mobile users cannot access you!!! This guy in 2013 didn’t see my point which was that his company using defunct technology will reflect on his company’s image. Your company’s image reflect all facets of what goes on under your roof. How would you view a logistic company that rolled up in a horse and cart?!
Now if your website has Adobe Flash on it you are immediately writing off mobile viewers. Can you afford this? How many of you hear a company name and go straight to the web and google the name and have a look at their site? or search a name on LinkedIn? The web has radically changed business but to date it is only the tip of the iceberg.
From our research we see that the majority of small business have had a negative experience with web development companies.
This rates with a phone call to a successful cheese maker who has a internationally recognised brand, selling globally under the Bord Bia brand. A very successful company who again was completely satisfied with mediocrity when it came to video. What really needs to be done is that Bord Bia or the relevant body need to prioritise video as a media and promote it appropriately.
A visit to the Bord Bia channel and a look at the numbers they are reaching will testify to more mediocrity. Video is an active media not a passive that needs to be promoted thorough social media channels. On demand video will replace terrestrial television as we know it in the next number of years. As a business you must be ready for this.
Free Company Assessment by MakinMediaMobile
At MakinMediaMobile we offer every company in Ireland, a zero cost assessment your company’s digital strategy. I’m personally twenty four years in this game and will be shock if I cannot recommend something to help you out, all completely free of any obligation. We just want Irish business compete at the level it is capable of.
While Ireland inc is a great brand to sell globally in, the small to medium size enterprises need to tell the world that we are here and ready for business. It has never been easier to trade internationally, lets get up and out there. Onwards and Upwards!!! Happy New year to anyone bothering to read this.
Take it easy,